Dry Eye Treatments: Acute Vs. Chronic

Dry eyes occur when your eyes cannot produce adequate or quality tears to keep their surface lubricated. The eyes depend on the tear film for constant lubrication and moisture to maintain comfort.

Dry eyes can be acute or chronic. Your eye doctor at HineSight Vision Care can treat both cases differently due to the extent and severity of the condition. Read on to learn more.


Components of a Tear

Tears contain water to retain moisture and oils to prevent tear liquid evaporation and ensure lubrication. They have mucus that spreads the tears on the eye surface. Lastly, they contain proteins and antibodies that help with resisting infection.

The tear components come from glands around the eye. A deficiency or imbalance in the tear system or the quick evaporation of tears leads to dry eyes. You may experience itching, burning, or pain when the eyes lack adequate lubrication. You may also have a gritty sensation or a feeling like you have sand or something foreign in the eye. Dry eye also causes eye redness and blurry vision.


Acute Dry Eye

Acute dry eyes often result from environmental factors such as being in a dry climate. Exposure to wind or smoke can also increase the rate of your tears evaporating. Failing to blink regularly, such as when you use your computer for long hours, can lead to acute dry eyes. Wearing contact lenses can also contribute to your eyes becoming dry.


Treatments for Acute Dry Eye


  • Drink water to avoid dehydration. You produce natural tears effectively when you stay hydrated

  • Use over-the-counter artificial tears to keep your eyes lubricated

  • Optimize the oil layer of your tear film to prevent tear evaporation by adding omega-3 fatty acids to your diet

  • Avoid taking caffeine in excessive amounts due to its drying effect

  • Promote tear stability by stabilizing the lipid layer in your tears by using emollient drops

  • Humidify the air in your environment by using a room humidifier. You can hydrate your eye surface by using a humidifier in your home. Doing so also prevents dry air from depleting your eyes of moisture


Chronic Dry Eye

Chronic dry eye is a severe medical condition that reduces your eye’s ability to maintain or make enough quantity and quality of tears. It often arises due to tear film instability. Dysfunctions in the tear film layers can cause chronic dry eye. Health conditions such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and glaucoma also cause chronic dry eye.

Fortunately, chronic dry eye is not a permanent condition. Various treatment options can help alleviate it.


Chronic Dry Eye Treatments


  • Reduce your eye surface inflammation using Restasis or steroid eye drops. They improve the natural production of tears. As a result, you will begin experiencing ocular surface comfort due to how your tear glands efficiently produce natural tears.

  • Stabilize your tear film and treat underlying blepharitis. You can do so using a low dose of oral doxycycline pills.

  • Keep your tears longer in the eyes using punctal plugs. Tears and eye drops drain through openings in the inner angles of your eyelids into your nasal passage. Your doctor will place tiny plugs called puncta into those openings to reduce tear drainage from your eye surface.

For more about dry eye treatments, visit HineSight Vision Care at our office in Flowood, Mississippi. Call (601) 519-4466 to book an appointment today.

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