5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Ignore Eye Exams

The philosophical statement, “The eyes are the windows to the soul,” has a medical equivalent that says, “The eyes are the windows to the body.” The eyes are one of the most sensitive body parts. Not only to any issue with them but also to overall health. Thus, eye exams are more than just about your vision.

According to a study on vision, about 2.2 Americans will be blind by 2030. In addition to that, about 5 million more will have low vision. Eye doctors can remedy many conditions leading to blindness or low vision through early diagnosis. 

So, what are eye exams? Why should you not ignore them? Read on to learn more.


What Are Eye Exams?

Eye exams are a series of tests that an eye doctor conducts to check the eyes' health. Comprehensive eye exams are the most thorough of all types of eye exams and the most useful. In a comprehensive eye exam, the eye doctor will perform the following tests:


  • Medical history of the patient

  • Visual acuity

  • Refraction exam

  • Preliminary tests

  • Topography or keratometry

  • Dilated pupil exam

  • Eye health evaluation

  • Eye movement, teaming, and focusing tests

So, why are they so important? Here are five reasons you should have an eye exam.


Reasons Not to Ignore an Eye Exam


1. They Help Children Perform Better in School

Schools perform in-school vision screenings yearly but do not provide reliable information on your child's eye health. Every child should have a comprehensive eye exam every few years. Knowing and addressing visual issues will help your child perform, socialize, and play better.


2. Myopia Is on the Rise

More people today have myopia than ever in history. The numbers are staggering, and they will continue to grow. According to some specialists, myopia is now an epidemic. Myopia is a progressive condition. It means that when a child gets it, it tends to get worse as they grow older. Progressive myopia puts the child at risk of developing other ocular conditions. Diagnosing it early and taking steps to manage and slow its progression is vital in maintaining eye health for the child.


3. Detecting Other Health Issues

As mentioned earlier, the eyes are the windows to the soul. Some conditions present symptoms in the eyes before they present in the rest of the body. One such condition is hypertension. Eye doctors can tell a patient is developing hypertension by examining the health of the blood vessels in the retina.


4. It Can Save Your Vision

Some eye conditions like glaucoma do not present symptoms until they are advanced. It is vital to diagnose, treat, and manage them early. Glaucoma causes vision loss if it is not treated. The only way to detect glaucoma is through a dilated pupil exam that is part of the comprehensive eye exam.


5. It Can Save Your Life

Poor vision can lead to many incidents and accidents that can be fatal. Developing poor vision happens slowly, so you will only notice it when the symptoms advance. By then, you are involved in an accident that you could have avoided if you had better vision. Falls are one of the leading causes of death in Americans over 65.

For more reasons why you should not ignore eye exams, visit HineSight Vision Care at our office in Flowood, Mississippi. Call (601) 519-4466 to book an appointment today.

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